Provider Process
01. Complete Provider Application
To become an authorized provider in our Mountain Strong network you first need to create an account and submit your online application. The provider application will ask you for a variety of information and proof of your professional licensing in all states you currently practice in. During this process you will also submit what areas of expertise you work in, for what type of patients and much more.
02. Manage Dashboard Requests
After completing your application you will get direct access to your custom provider portal dashboard. From this dashboard you will be able to manage all things in the Mountain Strong system. This includes your profile, availabity, and most importantly all your incoming care requests and active patients in the system.
03. Log Sessions & Get Paid
Once you have connected with a patient and provided them either in-person or telehealth sessions you will log all of those sessions on your dashboard. Our administrative staff then takes that information and pays sessions at the end of each month.